Friday, September 26, 2008

Jensen's Quilt

This is the quilt that I made for my son - but he is the one who gave it to me. Allow me to explain...

After our second visit to Lehigh Valley, I knew it was bad. With Jared it is just so easy...I kiss it, then it's better. But I couldn't fix Jensen. I couldn't do anything for him. I wasn't able to hold him during his seizures, I couldn't touch his little fingers, nothing. I felt helpless. I wanted to make a quilt for him. My mom and I took a ride over to the quilt store and bought this fabric (okay, my mom bought the fabric. Thanks MOM!!) I went home that day and pieced the whole thing together. I was on some sort of mission. In the back of my head I thought that he couldn't die if I made him a quilt (it made sense at the time). My husband even kept his distance sensing that I needed to do this. The next day I took it back to the quilt store for them to quilt and told them I would like it finished by April as his due date was April 24th.

The last time I felt my son kick was Tuesday, March 4th. It was confirmed that he passed away that day. I delivered him two days later on Thursday. My mother-in-law informed me that the quilt store called on Tuesday (the day he passed away) and left a message that the quilt was finished.

I could try to figure out the probability of the quilt being done on that particular day, or I can believe that my son made sure that I received it just when I needed it. I slept with that quilt around me every night for the first few weeks. Then the weather started to get warmer and I hung it on a quilt rack in my room. But now I let Jared use it. It's comforting to see Jared wrapped up in it.